List of writers about Egypt till the 19th century

This is a list of writers who have written extensively about Egypt and their produced accounts, and may be considered essential, the only, highly popular, ground breaking, major or primary sources on various subjects related to Egyptian history. It includes only accounts published, and in case of no publishing, written, before the turn of the 19th century, before widespread tourism, excavations and travel writing commenced. The date is the publication of the first publication, not minding that later editions or translations to other languages might be more easily accessible, enlarged in contents, containing more relevant Egyptian material or be better known. The list is sorted by publishing date, whiles the actual travel, study or compiling of the work, may have occurred many years before that date.


4th century BC

Writer Work Comment
Herodotus Histories, Book II & III Geography, history and culture

3rd century BC

Writer Work Comment
Hecataeus of Abdera Aegyptiaca (lost work)
Manetho Aegyptiaca (lost work)

1st century

Writer Work Comment
Strabo Geographica, Book XVII Geography, history and culture
Diodorus Siculus Bibliotheca historica, Book I History and culture
Pliny the Elder Natural History, Book V & XXXVI Geography, mineralogy, monuments, stories

2nd century

Writer Work Comment
Claudius Ptolemaeus Geographia, Book IV Geography, placenames & locations
Tacitus Annals Egyptian information all over the work
Tacitus Histories Egyptian information all over the work

3rd century

Writer Work Comment
Pausanias ‎Description of Greece Egyptian information detailed all over the work
Philostratus Life of Apollonius of Tyana, Book V & VI Travel of Apollonius of Tyana in Egypt & Ethiopia

16th century

Writer Work Comment
André Thévet Cosmographie de Levant (1554) Travel writing
Joos van Ghistele Tvoyage Mher Joos van Ghistele (1557) Travel writing
Jacques de Villamont Les Voyages du Seigneur de Villamont (1598), Volume 3 Travel writing

17th century

Writer Work Comment
George Sandys Relation of a Journey begun An. Dom. 1610 (1615) Travel writing
Athanasius Kircher Prodromus coptus sive aegyptiacus (1636) Grammar, language, linguistics
Athanasius Kircher Lingua aegyptiaca restituta (1643) Grammar, language, linguistics
John Greaves Pyramidographia (1646) Survey of the Egyptian pyramids
Athanasius Kircher Oedipus Aegyptiacus (1652–1655) Egyptian hieroglyphs
François de La Boullaye-Le Gouz Les Voyages et Observations (1653) Travel writing
Melchisédech Thévenot Relations de Divers Voyages Curieux (1663) Travel writing
Jean de Thévenot Relation d'un voyage fait au Levant (1664) Travel writing
Balthasar de Monconys ‎Journal des voyages (1665) Travel writing
Athanasius Kircher Sphinx mystagoga (1676) Burial practices, reincarnation, inscriptions
Johann Michael Vansleb Nouvelle Relation En forme de Iournal, D´vn Voyage Fait en Egypte (1677) Travel writing, studies, Copt community
Cornelis de Bruijn Reizen van Cornelis de Bruyn door de vermaardste Deelen van Klein Asia (1698) Travel writing, studies

18th century

Writer Work Comment
Paul Lucas Voyage du Sieur paul Lucas au Levant (1704) Travel writing
Simon Ockley The History of the Saracen Empires (1708 & 1718) History
Paul Lucas Voyage du Sieur Paul Lucas, fait en 1714 (1719) Travel writing
Benoît de Maillet
Jean-Baptiste Le Mascrier
Description de l'Égypte (1735) Studies, memories from Egypt
Richard Pococke A Description of the East and Some other Countries (1743) Travel writing, studies
Granger (Tourtechot) Relation du voyage fait en Egypte (1745) Travel writing, studies
Frederic Louis Norden Voyage d'Egypte et de Nubie (1755) Travel writing, studies
Claude-Étienne Savary Lettres sur l’Égypte (1785–1786) Travel writing, studies and fiction
Constantin François de Chassebœuf, comte de Volney Voyage en Egypte et en Syrie (1787) Travel writing, studies
James Bruce Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile (1790) Travel writing, studies
Charles-Nicolas-Sigisbert Sonnini de Manoncourt Voyage dans la haute et basse Égypte (1798) Travel writing, studies
William George Browne Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria (1799) Travel writing